Video Maharaja Lawak Minggu Ke 11

Reality show that brings finalists Raja Lawak Astro-finalist's season, the Emperor Lawak a step closer when the plan was flown specially to meet fans in the northern region. Penang International Sports Arena (PISA) has become the destination of the Emperor Lawak entered jelajahnya. This roadshow will find fans in Kuantan and Johor Bahru at the end before returning to Kuala Lumpur for the final stage Maharaja Lawak.

Get your FREE PASS-PASS EMPEROR funny week to 11 at the Silver Jubilee of Sultan Ahmad Shah, Jalan Teluk Scales, Kuantan, Pahang on Friday, June 10, 2011. Starting at 3 pm! Pahang those! Ready with our presence there!

5 participants remained Maharaja Lawak Lawak first to grab the title of emperor in history.  Watch Maharaja Lawak, 10 pm, exclusively on Astro Colors (132). You can also watch video youtube funny emperor 11 weeks here because BP will upload your funny video emperor 11 weeks here just finished performing participants.

Don 't Forget Maharaja Lawak Minggu 12 Comingsoon in Stadium MBJB, Johor Bahru Share
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